School Lunches
We are very fortunate to have our lunches freshly cooked on the premises in our own kitchen. Our school meals are of a high quality, providing the children with a tasty and nutritionally balanced meal in the middle of the school day.
See links to the school menus at the top of this page. As you will see, every day there is a hot, lighter lunch and vegetarian option to choose from and children are encouraged to select from the salad bar too.
Special dietary requirements are catered for. Please do come to the office if you’d like to discuss more.
School Menus
We regularly revise and review our menus in consultation with parents and children via our Parent Forum and School Council. They are shared with parents in advance and are always available on the website for reference (see link in the blue bar, top right).
School lunches can be requested and paid for on the day – always handy for those days when you’ve forgotten to buy bread or simply run out of time!
Cost of School Lunches
Free meals are available for all children in Key Stage 1 (Reception, year 1 and year 2) and for those whose parents are on low incomes. For further information, please pop into the office.
For children in Key Stage 2 (years 3, 4, 5, 6) school meals should be paid for in advance at a cost of £2.60. All payments are made via our online payment service, ScoPay. Contact the office if you require help or don’t have a log-in.
Packed Lunches
Should you wish to provide your child with a packed lunch please use a named lunchbox. We ask parents and carers to provide a paper napkin or kitchen towel to use as a disposable plate.
We are a Healthy School and also one that cares about the environment. We therefore ask if drinks can ideally be brought in refillable containers (definitely no cans). Avoid sweets and chocolate please. No nut or seed products are allowed.
Lunch Environment
Children sit in self-selected ‘family’ groupings, regardless of whether eating a packed lunch or school meal, and enjoy a calm sociable atmosphere in our lunch hall.