The Dragon
What is The Dragon Fund?
It is a newly formed charitable fund, set up by the school and its governors, in response to significant government funding cuts and the increasing financial pressures schools face.
The fund, so called after the legendary Henham Dragon and in keeping with the village magazine name, exists to enable donations, either as one-off or regular payments. The desire is to continue providing our pupils with the best possible education in this vibrant village school.
Why do we need it?
Government funding in schools is at an all time low while day-to-day running costs continue to increase. The result is a huge strain on school finances, which is at a level we’ve never experienced before.
At Henham, we don’t want to see the quality of the education and facilities suffer as a result of these factors outside of our control.
We are very lucky to have an active Parent Staff Association (PSA) which does a fantastic job running events and raising much needed money for the school each year. The PSA’s hard work has enabled significant investment over recent years, in particular the provision of iPads and interactive screens that all classes benefit from. Although it is vital that these fundraisers continue, both financially and for everyone’s enjoyment, it is no longer enough.
We are aware of people, both in our community and parents/past parents, who have asked how they can contribute to fundraising when they cannot attend or help at events. Now they can!
What will the money be spent on?
Money raised will help deliver important projects, services and materials which can no longer be paid for with government funding. It will also enable continued investment in, what we believe, are Henham’s key differentiators in the local area.
Specifically, and as a matter of priority, Henham & Ugley needs to;
Refurbish the school toilets
Install air conditioning in more classrooms
Redevelop the outdoor area for Early Years
Develop the school’s media facilities, including create a media suite
Improve fencing and signing around the school
The difference that any donation can make, however small, should not be underestimated. If every family with a child at the school contributed just £5 per month, over £4,000 of much needed funds would be raised each year.
How do I donate?
You can;
Make a one-off payment or set up a regular standing order from your bank account to the following account:
Account Name: The Dragon Fund
Bank: National Westminster Bank
Sort Code: 60-02-36
Account Number: 67825966
Donate by cash or cheque. Please put it in a sealed envelope addressed to The Dragon Fund and hand in at the school office. All cheques should be made payable to “The Dragon Fund”. Donations will be collected and banked regularly.
Who looks after the money?
The Dragon Fund is overseen by a subset of our school governors and staff who act as trustees. They are accountable to the Governing Board in respect of money raised and decisions taken on how to allocate funds.
Can I claim Gift Aid?
We hope to obtain Gift Aid approval from HMRC which will further help boost funds raised and may also enable people to obtain tax relief on their donations. Update to follow soon.
On that point, it would be really helpful if any bank transfers or cash donations include reference of who is donating. This will be particularly important if we obtain Gift Aid approval as the additional tax incentives can only be obtained if the source of funds can be traced to those who will have made Gift Aid declarations.
As always, thank you for your support.
Governors & Staff at Henham and Ugley Primary and Nursery School